🇰🇷 Korean Lesson #8: [CULTURE] Your Guide to Taking the Bus in Korea!

Taking the bus won't be a mystery for you anymore!

[CULTURE] Your Essential Guide to Taking the Bus in Korea! 🚌

안녕하세요 여러분 👋

Last week, I saw a PINK bus in the Jongro Area of Seoul, with Seoul city's mascot Hechi. The interior was just as lively and colorful!

That’s why I want to dedicate today’s newsletter to buses— a convenient and often overlooked mode of transportation. Sometimes, hopping on a bus is more practical than taking the subway, so let's explore the world of buses today! 🥳

Hechi pink bus, Seoul

I) Transportation card (교통카드)

In Seoul's increasingly modern society, cash is no longer accepted on buses ⚠️ Make sure your transportation card (교통카드) is loaded with funds before boarding. You can easily get a T-Money Card (티머니 카드) at any convenience store for around 3000 to 4000 won.

Top it up using the machines in the subway or a convenience store. If you go to the convenience store, you can say:

👉 T-Money 충전해주세요 (chung-jeon hae juseyo) which means ‘Please recharge my T-money card’ and then give the amount that you would like to add.

Different designs of T-money cards

II) Waiting at the bus stop (정류소)

Most bus stations in Seoul have real-time displays showing when buses will arrive! Let’s have a look at it :

👉 종료 (Jongro) indicates that the bus is not currently operating.
👉 곧도착 (Got-dochak) in yellow indicates that the bus is arriving soon within 1-2 minutes. It’s composed of 곧 (soon) and 도착 (to arrive).

You will also hear an announcement when a bus is approaching.

👉702번 버스가 곧 도착합니다: Bus number 702 will arrive soon.
번 (bon) refers to the number.
버스 (boseu) means bus.
곧: This means "soon" or "shortly"
도착합니다: is a polite form of the verb "to arrive”

On the screen, you can also see the crowding levels of the bus.

👉 여유 (Yeoyu) - spacious, plenty of seats available
👉 보통 (Botong) - normal, few seats available
👉 혼잡 (Honjap) - crowded, no seats available, almost full

III) Getting on the bus

With most buses, you enter through the front and pay the fare on the machine.

Sometimes if you scan it incorrectly, you will hear:
👉 카드를 다시 대 주십시오 = Please scan your card again
카드(kadeu) means card
다시 (dashi) means again or one more time.
대 (dae): This is the verb stem of the verb "대다" (daeda), which means "to put”.
주십시오: This is a polite imperative form of the verb "주다" (juda), which means "to give." It's a polite way of asking someone to do something.

If you don’t have enough cash on it, you will hear:

We hope you found this guide helpful and practical!
Navigating public transportation can be tricky at first, but with this information, we trust you’ll feel more confident taking the bus. 🥳

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